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Aron, Raymond. The opium of the intellectuals. New Bruswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 2001.
"Raymond Aron's 1955 masterpiece, this book is one of the great works of twentieth-century political reflection. Aron shows how noble ideas can slide into the tyranny of "secular religion" and emphasizes how political thought has the profound responsibility of telling the thruth about social and political reality - in all its mundane imperfections and tragic complexities". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"First published over fifty years ago, Isaiah Berlin's compelling portrait of the father of modern Communism has long been considered the best short account written of Marx's life and thought. It provides a penetrating, lucid, and comprehensive introduction to Marx as theorist of the socialist revolution, illuminating his personality and ideas, concentrating on those which have historically formed the central core of Marxism". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Inscrito en la perspectiva de los estudios poscoloniales, este trabajo parte del supuesto de que la violencia ejercida por el colonialismo europeo en el mundo no fue física y económica sino también "epistémica". El autor defiende la tesis de que hacia finales sel siglo XVIII, la violencia espietémica del imperio español en América asume una forma específica: la hybris del punto cero". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"El estudio de la legislación en materia de imprenta del siglo XIX es un terreno poco explorado, así como las relaciones entre aquellos primeros periodistas que hicieron suyo el derecho de expresarse libremente en el la prensa y los hombres en el poder político". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"The God that failed is a classic work and crucial document of the Cold War that brings together essays by six of the most important writers of the twentieth century on their conversion to and subsequent disillusionment with communism. In describing their own experiences, the authors illustrate the fate leftism around the world". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Vast in scope, exhaustive in original research, written with passion, narrative skill, and human sympathy, this book presents the first comprehensive history of the Russian Revolution in a single volume". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Electoral systems matter. The are a crucial link in the chain connecting the preferences of citizens to the policy choices made by governments. The are chosen by political actors and, once in existence, have political consequences for those actors. They are an important object of study for anyone interested in the political process, and in this book we suject them to systematic analysis". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Hale, Charles A. El pensamiento político en México y Latinoamerica. Artículos y escritos breves. México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 2010.
A. Hale (1930-2008) es reconocido como uno de los principales
historiadores del pensamiento político mexicano y latinoamericano. Fue
autor de dos libros fundamentales sobre el liberalismo en México y de
una biografía intelectual de Emilio Rabasa, que se publicó poco antes de
su fallecimiento". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Koestler, Arthur. Scum of the earth. London: Eland, 2006.
A. Hale (1930-2008) es reconocido como uno de los principales
historiadores del pensamiento político mexicano y latinoamericano. Fue
autor de dos libros fundamentales sobre el liberalismo en México y de
una biografía intelectual de Emilio Rabasa, que se publicó poco antes de
su fallecimiento". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"From the historian whose study of the Russian Revolution set a standard of scholarly excellence comes a magisterial account of the formation of the Bolshevik state in the years between the beginning of the Civil War in 1918 and the death of Lenin in 1924. Drawing on a wealth of newly available archival materials, Richard Pipes shows how the brutal failures of Stalinism arose inevitably from the social and political blueprint of Bolshevism's founders". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"In this book, Richard Pipes portrays the crisis at he heart of the tsarist empire. Drawing on archival materials newly released in Russia, he chronicles the upheaval that began as a conservative revolt but was soon captured by messianic intellectuals intent not merely on reforming Russia but on remaking the world". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Newly revised for this edition, Richard Pipes's highly acclaimed study analyses the evolution of the Russian state from the ninth century to the 1880s and its unique role in managing Russian society". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"No living historian has chronicled Russia under communism more insightfully than Richar Pipes, whose The Russian Revolution ans its sequel, Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime, are now considered the definitive works for the period 1917-1924. In this splendidly incisive new book, he conducts a succinct inquest, asking: Why did tsarism fall virtually overnight? Why did the Bolssheviks the smallest of the three main Russian radical parties-trimph? Why did Stalin succeed Lenin?". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Ground-breaking in its inclusiveness, enthralling in its narrative of a movement whose purpose, in the words of Leon Trotsky, was "to overthrow", this book draws conclusions that have already aroused great controversy in this country - and that are certain to be explosive when the book is published in the Soviet Union. Richard Pipes argues convincingly that the Russian Revolution was a intellectual, rather than a class, uprising; that it was steeped in terror from its very outset; and that it was not a revolution at all but a coup d'état - "the capture of governmental power by a small minority". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Este volumen incluye la transcripción completa de los apuntes hasta hoy inéditos que tomó Estanislao Zeballos en el curso de las conversaciones mantenidas con el cacique Manuel Namuncura - y seguramente con algunos otros interlocutores indígenas no identificados -, en más de una oportunidad y en el lapso comprendido entre los años 1880 y 1960". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Durante el siglo XVIII, tras ciento cincuenta años de prensencia española en Chile, los mapuches continúan su vida independiente al sur del Bío-Bío. ¿Cómo se pueden explicar esta situación en un continente donde el proceso de dominación colonial avanzó rápidamente incorporando o destruyendo a muchos pueblos indígenas? ¿Las condicionantes geográficas o las estrategias de repliegue y distanciamiento cultural son razones suficientes para explicar esta situación?". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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