Sarlo, Beatriz. Tiempo pasado. Cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo. Una discusión. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno, 2005.
"Si aceptamos que la integridad de un individuo, una comunidad, una nación depende de la memoria -esa capacidad de registrar, conservar y reproducir hechos propios y ajenos-, es imposible frenar la acción persistente del pasado en el presente".
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Rodríguez, Ileana. Debates culturales y agendas de campo. Estudios culturales, postcoloniales, subalternos, transatlánticos, transoceánicos. Santiago: Cuarto Propio, 2011.
"Al pasar revista a los debates más recientes sobre la formación disciplinaria en América Latina, nos percatamos de la absoluta centralidad del concepto de cultura. La cultura es clave para entender la relación entre lo tradicional y lo moderno, el modernismo y la modernización, las teorías y los debates sobre el desarrollo".
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Torres-Saillant, Silvio. An intellectual history of the Caribbean. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
"The first intellectual history of the Caribean written by a top Caribbean studies scholar, this book examines both writings penned by natives of the region as well as a body of texts interpretive of the region produced by Western authors".
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Donoso Romo, Andrés. Educación y nación al sur de la frontera. Organizaciones mapuche en el umbral de nuestra contemporaneidad, 1880-1930. 2a. ed. Santiago: Pehuén, 2012.
"Educación y nación al sur de la frontera, es un libro que nos muestra y nos deja en evidencia cómo la educación formal, dirigida a la población mapuche desde su origen, a fines del siglo XIX, fue diseñada e implementada como una herramienta para la rápida asimilación o anulación de esta cultura".
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Torres G., Osvaldo. Democracia y lucha armada. MIR y MLN-Tupamaros. Santiago: Pehuén, 2012.
"En esta obra, más que la historia del MIR de Chile y el MLN-Tupamaros del Uruguay- dos movimientos revolucionarios nacidos en los años sesenta-, se pone en el debate la política revolucionaria que estuvo en la matriz de estos. Ambas organizaciones nacieron en el seno de democracias de larga trayectoria en el cono sur de latinoamérica, en un momento político y social de enorme efervescencia popular; ambas buscaron romper el agotamiento ynla inercia de un modo de hacer política, ligada a las plataformas electorales, que perpetuaba la crisis que diagnosticaban".
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Bigenho, Michelle. Sounding indigenous. Authenticity in Bolivian music performance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
"Sounding Indigenous explores the relations between music, people, and places through the analysis of Bolivian music performances: by a non-governmental organization involved in musical activities, by an urban music performing ensemble, and by the indigenous people living in two rural areas of Potosi".
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Freedberg, David. El poder de las imágenes. Estudios sobre la historia y la teoría de la respuesta. 4a. ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 2011.
"¿Qué tienen en común las máscaras africanas, los cuadros dieciochescos, las imágenes medievales y ciertas fotografías contemporáneas? Sencillamente su capacidad para despertar emociones intensas y suscitar respuestas vehementes. Mediante el análisis de una amplia gama de imágenes y de tratados de estética, el autor establece la recurrencia de las respuestas humanas ante las imágenes a lo largo del tiempo".
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Hualde, José Ignacio. The sounds of Spanish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
"This accesible textbook provides a clear introduction to the sounds of Spanish, designed particularly for English-speaking students of the language. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, it explains from scratch the fundamentals of phonetics (the study of sounds) and phonology (the study of sound systems) and describes in detail the phonetic and phonological characteristics of Spanish as it is spoken in both Spain and Latin America".
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Frankish, Keith; William M. Ramsey (eds.). The Cambridge handbook of cognitive science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
"Cognitive science is a cross-disciplinary enterprise devoted to understanding the nature of the mind. In recent years, investigators in philosophy, psychology, the neurosciences, artificial intelligence, and a host of other disciplines have come to appreciate how much they can learn from one another about the various dimensions of cognition".
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Radford, Andrew. Analysing english sentences. A minimalist approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
"Analysing English Sentences provides a concise and clear introduction to current work in syntactic theory, drawing on the key concepts of Chomsky's Minimalist Program. Assuming little or no prior knowledge of syntax or Minimalism, Radford outlines the core concepts and leading ideas and how they can be used to describe various aspects of the syntax of English".
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Stein, Stephen J. (ed.). The Cambridge history of religions in America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 3 vols.
"The three volumens of this book trace the historical development of religious traditions in America, following both their transplantation from other parts of the world and the inauguration of new religious movements on the continent of North America. This story involves complex relationships among these religious communities as well as the growth of distinctive theological ideas and religious practices".
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Roach, Peter. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
"A practical course by Peter Roach has been a leading coursebook on English pronunciation for twenty-five years. It presents the basic theoretical material needed to understand phonetics, phonology and the pronunciation of English in the form of a 20-unit course. Each unit ends with notes on issues that deserve further study and recommendations for further reading, as well as notes for teachers and written exercises".
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Bermúdez, José Luis. Cognitive science. An introduction to the science of the mind. 2nd. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
"This highly successful textbook unifies the interdisciplinary streams of cognitive science into a single narrative. With clarity and breadth, it leads students to access, understand, and apply the techniques and theories of the cognitive scientist's "toolkit" - the vast range of techniques and tools that cognitive scientists use to study the mind".
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Leinaweaver, Jessaca B. The circulation of children: Kinship, adoption, and morality in Andean Peru. Durham & London: Duke Unversity Press, 2008.
"In this vivid ethnography, Jessaca B. Leinaweaver explores "child circulation", informal arrangements in which indigenous Andean children are sent by their parents to live in other households. At first glance, child circulation appears tantamount to child abandonment".
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