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Croft, William. Explaining language change. An evolutionary approach. Harlow, England: Pearson Education, 2000.
"Ever since the origins of both linguistics and evolutionary biology in the 19th century, scholars have noted the similarity between biological evolution and language change. Yet until recently neither linguistics nor biologists have developed a model of evolution general enough to apply across the two fields. Even in linguistics, the field is split between the historical linguists who study change in language structure, and the sociolinguists who study social variation in the speech community". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Shaul, David L.; N. Louanna Furbee. Language and culture. Prospect Heighs, Illinois: Waveland Press, 1998.
"Twenty-four articles representing a diversity of interests and approaches have been brought together in this revised collection intended to define and develop topics of central interest to language, culture, and society. Opening pieces include enduring, classic writings by Boas, Sapir, Whorf, Mead, and others, giving the volume an important historical orientation. These contributions form the groundwork for wide sampling of more recent and contemporary works that follows." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Harmon, Mary R.; Marilyn J. Wilson. Beyond grammar. Language, power, and the classroom. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006.
"This book asks readers to think about the power of words, the power of language attitudes, and the power of language policies as they play out in communities, educational institutions, and their own lives as individuals, teachers, and participants in the larger community. Each chapter provides extended discussion about a set of critical language issues that directly affect students in classrooms: the political nature of language, the power of words, hate language and bullying, gender and language, dialects, and language policies." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Miller, D. Gary. Language change and linguistic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Vol. 1 Approaches, methodology, and sound change. Vol. 2 Morphological, syntactic, and typological change
"This two volume work examines every aspect of language change and two centuries of linguistic approaches towards understanding it. The enterprise opens with a consideration of the nature of language and what constitutes language change. Gary Miller argues that a single overarching theory is insufficient to encompass the protean mix of linguistic, social, political, and cognitive factors involved in linguistic diachrony." Ver en Catálogo Bello
Tannen, Deborah. That's not what I meant! How conversational style makes or breaks your relations with others. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992..
"Dr. Tannen, a world-renowned sociolinguistic, shows that growing up in different parts of the country, having different ethnic and class backgrounds, even age and individual personality, all contribute to different conversational styles which can cause disappointment and misplaced hurt and blame." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Nuckolls, Janis B. Lessons from a Quechua strongwoman. Ideophony, dialogue, and perspective. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2010.
"Using the intriguing stories and words of a Quechua-speaking woman named Luisa Cadena from the Pastaza Province of Ecuador, Janis B. Nuckolls reveals a complex language system in which ideophony, dialogue, and perspective are all at the core of cultural and grammatical communications among Amazonian Quechua speakers". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Silva-Corvalán, Carmen (ed.). Spanish in four continents. Studies in language contact and bilingualism. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1995.
"This collection examines the effects of bilingualism and multilingualism on the development of dialectical varieties of Spanish in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. Nineteen essays investigate a variety of complex situations of contact between typologically different languages, including Basque, Bantu languages, English, and Quechua." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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Smith, Neil y otros. The signs of a Savant. Language against the odds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
"Every once in a while nature gives us insight into the human condition by providing us with a unique case whose special properties illuminate the species as a whole. Christopher is such an example. Despite disabilities which mean that everyday tasks are burdensome chores, Christopher is a linguistic wonder who can read, write, speak, understand and translate more than twenty languages." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Lexicalization, a process of language change, has been conceptualized in a variety of ways. Broadly defined as the adoption of items into the lexicon, it has been viewed by some as the reverse process of grammaticalization, by others as a routine process of word-formation, and by others still as the development of idiomatic meanings. The authors examine the various conceptualizations of lexicalizations that have been presented in the literature". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Este libro trata de cinco expresiones, ah, humh, oh, ya y sí, que pueden funcionar como marcadores discursivos de recepción, y de todas aquellas cuestiones a las que nos ha conducido su estudio, que, como se puede adivinar por el índice, son muchas y de distinta naturaleza." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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""This small but tightley packed volume is easily the most substantial discussion of speech acts since John Austin's How to do things with words, and one of the most important contributions to the philosophy of language in recent decades. The core of the volume is a pattern of analysis for illocutionary acts, and for the "subsdidiary acts" of referring and predicating, together with associated accounts of what it is for certain kinds of linguistic expression to mean what they do and of what it is for a speaker to mean something by what he says". (Philosophical Quarterly)". Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"What was the first language, and where did it come from? Do all languages have properties in common? What is the relationship of language to though? This book explores hoy fifty of the mos influential figures in the field have asked and responded to clasic questions about language." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"In this book Elly van Gelderen provides examples of linguistic cycles from a number of languages and language families, along with an account of the linguistic cycle in terms of minimalist economy principles. A cycle involves grammaticalization from lexical to functional category followed by renewal." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Dirigido específicamente a los estudiantes de las universidades norteamericanas, este manual tiene por objeto la presentación ordenada de información sobre las áreas fundamentales de la lingüística española, dentro del marco de un curso introductorio de la disciplina. Presupone el grado de familiaridad con la lengua que se debe adquirir después de cuatro o cinco semestres de estudio a nivel universitario, aunque no conocimientos previos de lingüística, ya que se trata de una obra introductoria." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"'Inability to explain a fact does not condemn me to accept an intrinsically repugnant and incomprehensible theory'. Roger Lass uses this epigram from Nelson Goodman in a spirit of lively complaint against the naivety and introspection of most current linguistic theory. He writes as a practising, if not always believing, linguist, concerned about the nature of argumentation within linguistics and the status of its data and theoretical." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Ten years of research support the bold new theory advanced by authors Thomason and Kaufman, who rescue the study of contact-induced language change from the neglect it has suffered in recent decades. The authors establish an important new framework for the historical analysis of all degrees of contact-induced language change. This volume offers a major synthesis that will serve scholars in a range of linguistic pursuits." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"With every speech act all individuals perform, to a greater or less extent, an 'act of identity', revealing through their personal use of language their sense of social and ethnic solidarity or difference. Yet at the same time people also have powerful (if unconscious) steereotypes about the norms and standards of their own language and those of others - often at variance with observable behaviour." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"A community of intellectual interest centered on language has grown up in recent years involving linguistics, philosophers, and computer scientists. Their collaboration has resulted in an increased flow of high quality manuscripts treating varied aspects of linguistic thoery and the philosophy of language." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"Today there are approximately eleven million Spanish-speaking people in the United States. Their language behavior has become the focus of much recent interest, practical as well as scholarly. This timely volume constitutes a comprehensive and accessible set of readings on the Spanish spoken in the United States. The authors examine various aspects of language structure and language use by the American Chicano, Puerto Rico, and Cuban populations." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"What are the unique characteristics of sign languages that make them so fascinating? What have recent researchers discovered avout them, and what do these findings tell us about human language more generally? This thematic and geographic overview examines more than forty sign languages from around the world." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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"One of the most widely adopted texts of its kind, this book provides the most comprehensive introductory coverage available. Its lucid and direct writing style makes even complex concepts easy to grasp, while the extensive apparatus helps students master the course material. The fourth edition, thoroughly updated throughout, includes a unique new chapter on the indigenous languages of North America by a leading scholar in the field as well as completely revised material on sociolinguistics." Ver en Catálogo Bello
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